Failing to plan is planning to fail Allen Lakein What is the meaning of investment planning? You have identified your financial goals, which can be short term, intermediate or long depending on what it is; say you want to buy a house in five years time. To do this you come up with a plan. […]
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth both financial affluence and emotional security Suze Orman, Financial Advisor and motivational speaker. That’s what owning a home or a house is according to Suze Orman, must be cool huh? . But we all know it is not an easy task. It requires a lot of sacrifice […]
What is debt consolidation? Say you have debts 1, 2 and 3 all with different repayment plans and with different interest rates, so to make sure you manage to pay your debts with ease while spending less on interests per month, you take a fourth loan and use it to clear all the other three […]
"佛跳墙"到底是什么菜?_百度知道:2021-4-28 · 佛跳墙是福建福州的 当地 名菜 2113,属闽菜系。 5261 “佛 跳墙”,既“坛烧八宝”也叫做 “福 4102 寿全 1653 ”。 它始创于清朝初年,它的诞生地就是福建省福州市的“聚春园酒楼”。 当年,师傅们创制了这道菜时,老板给起名叫做“坛烧八宝”,后来为了图个吉利改名叫做“福寿 全”。
The process of trying to to reduce the amount of money we spend on the things that are important to us is not an easy one. It requires discipline and sacrifice. Without proper organization you won’t succeed therefore there is need to do somethings first: Write down all your expenses: This is the first step […]
So you have already identified a business idea to take on as your side hustle, you have also identified a market for your business, a location, you have the time, you have the skills and you have also set specific goals in mind but then you have no cash to start off. That’s like having […]
The first time I learnt about something called an emergency fund was when my brother broke his wrist. It was on a Saturday at around 9 O’clock just in time for the evening news, my dad’s phone rang. So he picked the phone and excused himself. He took long before coming back. It was after […]
We are human beings with forever growing needs. Growing needs mean people have to have more money in their pockets, money which you cannot get from your primary job alone. People are therefore forced to turn on their creativity to make some extra cash during their free time. That is side hustling. We all agree […]
Now that I’m old enough I can ask such questions. Does school really offer much? Hey! we are all after money and that’s why we are in school. Actually the basic reason why we go to school is to get money once we are done with schooling. Money which will come through employment . If […]
佛跳墙的由来 - 禅问网:2021-1-29 · 佛跳墙的由来 - 佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全,是福建福州的当地名菜,它的创始人是清朝光绪年间的大厨郑春发。佛跳墙是一道中国名菜,制作工序十分繁琐。制作佛跳墙的原料有鲍鱼、海参、鱼唇、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、鹌鹑蛋等十几种,为了保障最后的口感要先将这些食材分别处理烹制,...
佛跳墙的做法_菜谱_香哈网:佛跳墙的做法 1. 准备食材 2. 鸡腿鸡脚和排骨飞水去血沫后,放入高压锅,加入一砂锅的水,煮沸20分钟,这期间可以处理其他食材 3. 小白花胶加姜片煮沸捞起,换冷水泡发20分钟左右,剖片清洗花胶、洗净鱼 …